Happy Everything You Do Is Right Day!

March 16th is a day for positivity and celebrations. For 24 hours, you are free from the burden of self-doubt and mistakes. That’s what Everything You Do Is Right Day is all about.

Of course, you’re a composter, which means you’re doing the right thing every day.

Here are 5 reasons why you’re doing the right thing by composting:

  • The average person produces 102 tons of garbage over the course of a lifetime—but not you! You’re diverting 60% of that waste, keeping it out of landfills and turning it into rich, fertile soil.

  • Composting decreases methane production, so every time you put your food scraps into that orange bin instead of the trash, you’re doing your part to combat greenhouse gas emissions.

  • When you compost, your trash is transformed into a powerful tool that helps the soil retain water more efficiently, reducing runoff that contaminates our water and contributes to erosion. All this just by putting your compostables into a different bin!

  • It’s not just about reducing your impact—with composting, you’re creating something: when you put nutrients back into the soil, you help our community grow healthy food safely and efficiently. Compost is a potent natural fertilizer and pesticide, which means less harsh, chemical products are needed to produce crops.

  • All your friends are going to be jealous of the bright pop of color your orange bin lends your kitchen.

But hey, even though you do the right thing every single day, it’s nice that there’s a holiday to acknowledge how wonderful you are. So today, we recommend that you celebrate: What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? Today is the day to do it! Be bold and take on a new challenge with all the confidence of someone who is sure to succeed.

At KC Can Compost, we believe in you. After all, everything you do is right.

K Chamberlain